Bitcoin Coffee | Interior
Bitcoin Coffee | Dessert
Bitcoin Coffee | Institute of Cryptoanarchy
Bitcoin Coffee | Prague Cafes
Bitcoin Coffee | Fresh Flowers
Bitcoin Coffee | Tasting Coffee
Bitcoin Coffee, Institute of Cryptoanarchy | Logo

Parallel Polis

In the art district of Holešovice there is a hard-to-miss building with a matte black exterior. This building houses the Bitcoin Coffee café, the Institute of Cryptoanarchy, the Paper Hub co-working space, and a 3D workshop & printer. This unique enterprise is operated by the Paralelní Polis NGO. Focused mainly on decentralization and cryptocurrencies, this association is there to both nurture and promote these two basic ideas, bringing together up-to-date technologies, art and social science. Should you be looking for a great cup of coffee, stop by the Bitcoin Coffee coffee lab where experienced baristas aim to achieve a superior taste in each and every cup, made with coffee beans from select roasteries. The café, founded in 2014, holds the distinction of being the world’s first crypto-only café. You can pay with Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Lightning Network. The Paper Hub shared office is a great place to work and welcomes freelancers, emerging startups, and small work teams with an interest in digital freedom topics and projects. The Paper Hub consists of an open space office equipped with comfortable furniture and a relaxation area, two smaller offices with fixed desks, a kitchen, and a terrace. Flexible memberships are offered at Paper Hub, from eight hours a month in the shared office to your own fixed desk. Paper Hub only accepts payments currently in Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Dělnická 475/43, +420 605 116 183,


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