Czechs throughout History | Milos Forman

Milos Forman (1932 – 2018)

Milos Forman is a Czech-American film director famous for his academy awards won for best direction of the films One Flew over the Cukoo‘s Nest, winner of 5 academy awards and Amadeus, winner of 8; both films are listed among the best movies in the history of film. Forman received an academy nomination for the film The People Vs Larry Flint as well. Forman was born in Czechoslovakia and grew up with relatives after WWII as both of his parents perished at Nazi concentration camps. He went on to study screenwriting and directed numerous commedies in Czechoslovakia until he was fired in Paris for being out of his country illegally in 1968. Forman then moved to New York and eventually became a professer of film and co-chair of the film division at Columbia University. Milos Forman became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1977. 


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