Estates Theater | Ballet
Estates Theater | Prague Classical Venues
Prague Estates Theater | Stage
Prague Classical Music, Opera, and Ballet Venues | Estates Theater
Estates Theater | Interior
Prague Estates Theater | Snack Bar
Prague Estates Theater | Old Town

The Estates Theater

The Estates Theater, one of the most delightful theaters in Europe, was built thanks to the financial contributions of Count Frantisek Antonin Nostitz Rieneck between 1781-1783. The Count was convinced that Prague needed a theater to further enhance the already wondrous charm it possessed and in accordance with the ideals of the Enlightenment, the need to spread culture and moral values went hand in hand with the theater and with Charles University; it is of no coincidence that the Estates Theater was built next to the Karolinum. When you enter the theater notice the inscription above the portal, Patriae et Musis (The fatherland and the music or muses). Corinthian columns and pilasters characterize the impressive light green and cream-colored exterior, while the interior is more exquisite with dark teal velvet and golden decorations throughout. It should be noted that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart premiered his opera Don Giovanni at the Estates Theater in Prague on October 29, 1787, and he directed the opera himself. The theater shows Don Giovanni quite frequently and it is a must see for any lover of classical music visiting Prague. And for the movie buffs out there, Amadeus by Milos Forman was partially filmed in the Estates Theater.

 Ovocný Trh 1, Praha 1, +420-224-901-448,


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